On May 22 the members of the IFMCA, by official vote, bestowed Honorary Membership on Mikael Carlsson, in recognition of his initiative to unite film music journalists from many countries, establishing the worldwide organisation that has ultimately become the International Film Music Critics Association. In addition, the graphic design of the IFMCA is Mikael’s creation.
Being a composer and soundtrack producer in his own right, Mikael has indicated that he wants to avoid a conflict of interests and therefore no longer participates in decision making or voting within the IFMCA . However, he will stay active in the background, as an advisor when needed.
The IFMCA greatly appreciates his work with the IFMCA, his longtime dedication to the art of film music in general, and for the founding of this international film music society in particular, and as such offer him a lifelong membership honoris causa. We hope he may witness the further growth of his, and our, organisation.