by Thor Joachim Haga The Nordic Film Music Days is a five-year-old, annual event that is hosted by a different Nordic country each year. It’s mostly a convention for the industry, consisting of film composers, students and directors. Its aim is to provide a forum for exchanging experiences, creating ...
Report by Tim Burden Poznan is about 3 hours drive from Berlin. What struck me whilst travelling from Berlin’s airport in a taxi was how beautiful the rural countryside is, becoming more agricultural when entering Poland. I was honoured to be asked to devise, produce and host live music ...
On August 14, 2014, IFMCA members Jon Broxton, Dan Goldwasser, Kaya Savas and Daniel Schweiger attended a cocktail reception honoring the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Emmy music nominees for 2014. The event, which was organized by the Society of Composers and Lyricists, was held at the headquarters of ...
Composer orchestrator and conductor Leigh Phillips has been presented with the IFMCA Special Award by IFMCA member Ley Bricknell. Phillips was recognized for his outstanding work in manually re-creating Jerry Goldsmith’s score for The Salamander for its re-recording by the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, and subsequent premiere release ...
IFMCA member Jon Broxton was recently interviewed in the latest issue of the film music magazine Cinema Musica by fellow IFMCA member Basil Böhni. The interview appears in the magazine in German, but here for IFMCA readers is the original English-language version of the interview: Cinema Musica: Since 2004 ...
Composer Abel Korzeniowski has been presented with three International Film Music Critics Association Awards by IFMCA member Jon Broxton: for Score of the Year and Best Original Score for a Drama Film for his ravishing score for the period romance Romeo & Juliet, and as Composer of the Year for his ...